How Can Gout Damage The Kidney?


There is no doubt when gout attacks on the ankle, it would be so painful. The same goes with gout on the knees. Well, whatever joint in the body gout wishes to attack will be too much painful. Have you experienced getting a lump in the fingers? In the toes? In the wrist? Wherever they are, undoubtedly, they are throbbing. What’s the good thing (at least) is that they aren’t the worst of all the forms of gout.

You might be asking, “What about gout in kidneys?” Well, this is the devastating one. In this article, you will get to understand how gout can damage the kidney.

Is it possible to have gout in the kidney?

Technically speaking, it isn’t gout at all. However, the very same reason or cause for gout pain is right there. What is the main cause? Well, it is none other than, the uric acid crystals. This may accumulate and may form kidney stones. Not just that, these uric acid crystals upon accumulating may end up damaging the kidneys.

Gout and Kidney Stone

There’s a common instigator, which interlaced the events into the development of kidney stone and gout. This is acidosis.

You may ask, “Isn’t it that the uric acid the one that causes gout, why is it acidosis now?” Well, it is true that the main cause of gout. However, there is something that may have caused the accumulation. Think of it: your body is well-designed. Meaning, it can take care of itself. This just means that the uric acid will not be that much of a problem. At a 100% efficiency, your own excretory system may flush all of that uric acid out of the body. How come does that uric acid accumulate? Well, this is not about your own diet plan. It is mainly because of some other acids that help the uric acid. This is because of the acidosis.

Due to the need of the excretory system to balance the pH levels of the bloodstream, they must excrete, convert, or breakdown some other acids too. There are some examples of these acids, including lactate and oxalate. As the liver gets too much busy in flushing some other acids out of the body, there will be lesser and lesser uric acid to be excreted. Therefore, there will be more uric acid that will accumulate. This will then causes the boost in the possibility of accumulating gout. Moreover, this will also boost the possibility of having kidney stones and kidney stones that are caused by the uric acid and lactate.

Firstly, a seed crystal will form because of the super saturation in either the urinary tract or in the kidney. As the word “seed” implies, it is small and it will grow. The more uric acid to accumulate, the more that the stone will become damaging and disturbing. This may damage the kidney so much. Blood spills in the urine and the pain will kick in. not to mention that it may worsen the hyperuricemia and gout. If you’re lucky, the kidney stones will barely be felt, ‘because it will exit the body without you noticing it. That is, if the kidney stones will not grow that much.

How to hit two birds with one stone?

The crystallization of the uric acid in the joints, as well as in the kidney stones may have the same cause, isn’t it? Therefore, by getting rid of that certain cause, you will have a high probability of recovering from both. Treat acidosis and treat or avoid both of them!

The solution here is quite simple, you must utilize the opposite of the acids, the alkaline. You must hydrate your cells with some alkaline water in order to help the body in coping with acidosis and eventually flushing out the uric acid. You may do this by way of installing a water ionizer or by means of using ionic calcium in order to alkalize the water. Through this, you may help by slowly dissolving the uric acid crystals in the joints, as well as reduce the acidity of the blood overall. This will then help the body in flushing out all the acids out, including the uric acid and oxalate.  Moreover, this is the reason why the low dietary calcium may cause the formation of kidney stone. Not just that, that calcium is beneficial in reabsorbing the oxalate into the bloodstream, rather than am immediate excretion of oxalate.

However, take note that excessive amount of calcium may precipitate calcium oxalate kidney stone. Therefore, you must maintain the low oxalate and high magnesium diet in order to avoid the possible formation of kidney stone.


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