How Does Colchicine For Gout Work?


There is no doubt that treating the condition is a very tiring process of self-restraint and pill-swallowing. This is the reason why people tend t choose giving up on their own condition. Some just choose to endure the condition forever, with the aid of various pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, NSAIDs, etc. Instead of doing that, there are also some who choose binge-eating and taking various medications like colchicine in comforting the pain along with allopurinol to reduce the uric acid level. Colchicine for gout has been one of the biggest topics for the condition. Is it really beneficial for the condition or is it the other way around? Read on to this article and get to know the answer!

Colchicine for Gout: What’s is this medicine?

Colchicine is actually a prescription medicine that comes in the name Colcrys. It is beneficial in treating gout. The medication actually comes from plants that come from the genus Colchicum, a very poisonous plant that has no antidote. This is also known for the toxicity that it has. The medication has been around for approximately 2000 years one of the most effective treatments for gout. However, the use of it in the form of tablet started in the year 1936.

If you have ever tried taking colchicine, you must have known that the relief it has is almost in an instant. After an hour, both the pain and the inflammation will vanish. This is what leads to the false supposition that the colchicine is a powerful pill that helps in treating gout. The truth is that it does not. The medicine just masks the symptoms of the condition, namely the inflammation and pain.

Although it looks cool that there’s a medication that may be capable of removing the pain and the inflammation in a short amount of time, it really is not. Why? Well, this is because taking colchicine for gout is like literally swallowing a capsule of poison. Yes, it is capable of removing the pain and inflammation thru removing the body’s capacity to feel the pain and produce inflammation. In the actual fact, the pain and the inflammation relief are just the side effects. The harm that it brings about is actually the main effect.

How does Colchicine for Gout Work?

Take note, the colchicine is not capable of lowering the uric acid levels. However, they work to block the inflammation that is caused by the uric acid crystals. The medication is actually beneficial in relieving the pain. In fact, it works very fast, thus slowing down the inflammation. this is the go-to medicine for those who suffer from gout.

While it does not work for everyone, it does have a good success rate in the reduction of pain. As a matter of fact, it is about 75% success rate. However, you should take it within 12 hours of the attack to make it work more effectively. Furthermore, you should also drink about 12-15 glasses of water every day if you are going to take colchicine. This is for the medicine to be more effective.

One important thing about this medication is that it gets the right dosage that it needs. There are various cases of people getting overdosed. The recommended use of the medication is 1.2 milligrams, which is followed by 0.6 milligrams sixty minutes later, thus totaling about 1.8 milligrams during a gout attack.

Side Effects of Colchicine

Firstly, you should remember that the colchicine is truthfully a poison. It is a comes from a poisonous plant that’s called colchicum, as what we said above. Do you not believe me? Well, if you want a proof, crush the medicine and then sprinkle it into your own eyes. There’ll be two things that may happen to you –either you die or you will go blind.

Furthermore, if you are suffering from the liver condition, kidney disease low count of white blood cells, bone marrow disorders, and inflammatory bowel condition, you must not take colchicine. The same goes for the elderly –they shouldn’t take this medication at all.

Some of the side effects of colchicine may include diarrhea, causing you to go to the bathroom each and every few hours. Some other side effects of colchicine may include nausea and vomiting. It is so important that you are paying attention to how the medicine is affecting you personally. Remember that the colchicine sops the gout attack in its own tracks. The medicine is just for limited usage.

If you want a long-term medication for gout, you can choose allopurinol. It is thought to be a better drug for the long-term treatment of the condition. It could also be slowly introduced after a certain gout attack occurs.

Just take what your doctor has recommended you to take. You should not choose colchicine just because it can alleviate the pain and inflammation in an instant. If I were you, choose a medication that will have a long-term effect.


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