The Effects Of Cholesterol For Gout


In this article, we will be examining about the relationship and effect of cholesterol for gout. Cholesterol is actually one of the many fats in the blood, which the body uses in making the cell membranes, vitamin D, hormones, as well as makes up the digestive bile acids in the intestine. Can cholesterol cause the onset of gout attack? Read on to this article to know!

Cholesterol for Gout…

As what I’ve stated earlier, cholesterol is one of the fats in the blood that the body uses in making various substance in the body. Furthermore, it is also an essential matter that is being produced by the body. However, this can also be consumed from foods that animals produce, just like butter and cheese. Moreover, cholesterol is oil-based and blood, as we know, is water-based. This is the reason why both these substances do not really mix well. For this very same reason, it’s passed around the body through the blood by lipoproteins.

Cholesterol for Gout: Types

There are two different types  of cholesterol, and they are as follows:

  • LDL-Low Density Lipoprotein: this is the so-called bad cholesterols. This is because of the high levels that it produces. Furthermore, the plaque buildup in the artery walls may slow down the blood circulation, narrowing the arteries. This condition is known as atherosclerosis.
  • HDL -High Density Lipoprotein: this is what they call good cholesterols. They combat and take away the LDL cholesterol away from the artery walls. And then you will have the odd man out in the triglycerides. The triglycerides are not some kind of cholesterol, but a type of fat preset in the blood. Typically, it is measured when the doctor is checking the blood cholesterol. And the high levels of triglycerides are commonly related to diabetes, obesity, and the excessive consumption of alcohol.

Cholesterol for Gout: Their connection

Always bear in mind that having a high blood cholesterol is a major risk factor in having stroke and heart disease. This is just like gout, however, cholesterol is much worse. Having a high level of cholesterol doesn’t really produce any symptoms, unlike gout does. However, you do not want to experience a heart attack. I am telling you, a very lingering pain that last a few seconds may kill you.

The connection between the increased risk of heart disease and high levels of uric acid and stroke is a fact. Yes, you having a high uric acid level, high blood pressure, while suffering from gout at the same time is possible. Perhaps the gout’s the first one to come or the high level of cholesterol, but having both conditions increases the risk of heart disease as well as stroke even more.

What the gout does is actually contribute to the unhealthy cholesterol, and the lipid levels. This is why it is important for all the gout sufferers to not just monitor the uric acid levels. But to monitor the levels of cholesterol as well.

Cholesterol for Gout: Studies about it

There is this one study that suggests, the increase in the uric acid levels are connected to obesity, high blood pressure, and distorted cholesterol levels. When all of these three are present, they call it, the metabolic syndrome, or what they formerly call the syndrome X. all of which may lead to the increase in the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.

Moreover, another study about it states that the high level of cholesterol is directly and independently in connection to the high levels of uric acid in the blood. This is even though the fundamental relationship between the two is yet unknown even up to this day. Moreover, the study also states that the high levels of cholesterol can be associated with the high levels of uric acid in the blood. This is irrespective of the gender, age, and/or some other metabolic factors.

Cholesterol for Gout: Conclusion

At the end of the day, the optimal bad cholesterol is anything below the 100 milligrams/dL. The good cholesterol, on the other hand, the higher the dose, the better. However, you should be striving for something above 60 milligrams/dL. The best of all the ways to avoid the high blood pressure is actually to eat well, as well as exercise regularly. Furthermore, you should also eat healthy fats like the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats present mainly in the extra virgin olive oil, fish and nuts.


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