Can Gout Lead To Heart Attack?

Chest Pain Hurt Heart Attack Adult Pain Heartache

A lot of those who suffer from gout has learned to live with the fact that they must occasionally suffer from the excruciating gout attacks. As they accepted that particular fate of being tangled to the intense gouty inflammation, their loved ones are left being hopeless since there are no medications that may help in treating the condition permanently.

However, those who suffer from gout must not be accepting this kind of fate. There is a possibility that gout may not be that deadly. However, its complications may be so debilitating. The worse thing here is that the risk factors that come with the gout are already lethal. for example, hypertension, diabetes, and even heart attack. Wait, did I just mention heart attack? Well, this is actually true by all means. Gout may cause a heart attack complication.

The relationship between gout and heart attack is a bit difficult to even think about. Therefore, this article will help explain how gout and heart attack really became interconnected.

Gout Attacks and Heart Attacks

This certain attack can be hard to dodge. Actually, it is certain to happen, if only the life span will allow you to. If you’ll live for about 150 years it may happen. However, without such lifetime it may still occur.

Heart attack or the myocardial infarction is not actually a direct complication of gout. Nevertheless, the cause of gout may trigger a heart attack.

For those who suffer from gout, it’s a common knowledge that the cause of the condition is the uric acid crystallization in the joints. This is actually a fact, however, how does this uric acid exist in the joints? We know that hey aren’t supposed to be in there. Firstly, the autoimmune defenses will not activate if the uric acid crystal is supposedly in there, isn’t it?

How did the uric acid end up there? How did the uric acid accumulate if the body is very effective in flushing out all the uric acid?

Both of these questions can be answered through understanding the condition known as “acidosis”. The acidosis is the illness of having excessive amounts of acids in the body. With so many acids, the pH level of the blood reduces, thus leading it to acidity. This may be very bad for the body. As a matter of fact, it may be fatal when given the right situation. Therefore, the body will need to act faster before the excessive amounts of acids exist. This just means that the attention of the liver will be delegated in between uric acid excretion and disposing of all other acids. This comes with homeostatic mechanisms like storing unprocessed acids in the interstitial space ‘til they may already be processed.

The existence in the interstitial space and the bloodstream of the acids are actually the roots, which may lead to heart attack. This is since they may affect the endothelium.


The endothelium is a very important layer of the blood vessels. It is what acts like a semi-permeable layer, which controls the passage of the substances from the interior of the blood vessels up to their exterior. This is what puts the substances in place. The cells are also negatively charged, hence deterring the negatively charged molecules like protein and other cells. If breached and damaged, it may be deadly. For example, the macrophages may then pass into the endothelial layer, pamper in the lipids and become waste materials. These waste materials will momentarily be stored in the outer wall. However, as it accumulates, it’ll breach into the internal wall. Therefore, waste materials will block the bloodstream. This condition is known as atherosclerosis, which will cause a heart attack.

This is now where the acids come in. It’s filled with positively charged free radicals that may stick to the endothelial layer. Moreover, this decreases the net negative charge of the layer thus allowing the passage of negatively charged resources, these include the macrophages. Henceforth, atherosclerosis. The uric acid is mainly good at persuading the endothelial dysfunction.

Likewise, the endothelial layer is the one responsible for the nitrogen oxide production, which is accountable for the vasodilation and the vasoconstriction or the narrowing and widening of the blood vessels. This may cause an abnormal blood pressure, which may impose a burden on the heart.

Acidity may also cause low red blood cell counts. This is since the acids may cause damage to the bone marrow. This may actually cause the death of the heart muscles since they’ll be underprivileged of oxygen.

Read more about:

Kidneys And Gout: Link Between Gout and Kidney Disease, Uric Acid and Chronic Kidney Disease

The Connection Between Gout And The Liver

The Connection Between Gout And Kidney Stones


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