The condition of having gout may be a combination of mystery and weirdness. From abstaining you from eating the healthy foods to restraining your exercise, and even appearing in some unexpected locations as it spreads havoc through inflicting various gout complications you can never imagine! With this particular weirdness and the likes, it isn’t surprising that the reasons for the onset of gout can at times, be obscured.
This article wishes to explain the different reasons for the onset of gout. Why and how did it begin? Is it genetic? Is it a punishment for the indulgence from the pleasure? Or is there more to it than meets the eye? If you want to know the answers to these questions, continue reading on to this article.
Gout: Root Cause
In point of fact, gout only has one root cause. And the others are just simply the causative factors. Furthermore, it is the uric acid alone, there will be no other reasons for the onset of gout. It’s the uric acid that will end up in the joints. If it ends up in the joint and has already gained enough volume, it will crystallize. At that time, the body’s autoimmune system will then perceive the foreign uric acid crystal and will then launch the attack thus causing both pain and inflammation.
Moreover, the uric acid didn’t appear out of the thin air. It’s actually the waste product when the purine is broken down. As you have already known, the purine is the macromolecule, which plays an important role; it is actually used as the raw material for the nucleotides for the DNA. Remember, purine is a macromolecule, meaning, its size is way larger than the other molecules. This just means that it’ll not be capable of passing through the kidney filters by its own. It must be broken down into some smaller bits.
Therefore, it is broken down into the uric acid. You may get loads of purine in your own diet. Nevertheless, the diet may just consist of about 13% factor, which will contribute to the development of gout thus there must be something else. Now, the question is, what would be the remaining 87%?
Gout: Is It Genetic?
Astoundingly, the question regarding gout being genetic or hereditary is a bit controversial. There are some who believe that it is genetic. And some thought of it as a ticking time bomb that may explode as the time comes to an end. To clear this particular controversy we’ll be telling the answer now, and it is no. Basically, whatever your standing in life is, you will never be inheriting the condition. Gout isn’t a ticking bomb that’s coded in our DNA, which may explode when the time comes to an end. That isn’t the case.
You don’t have the fate to have that crystal lump on your joints, simply because there is no such thing as a gene that may instruct the cells to go on and gather the uric acid and help it become crystal. Additionally, it is highly possible that you may inherit the eating habit of your parents. Therefore, if they suffer from the condition due to their eating habit, you may also acquire the condition.
Gout Is Due To The Low Excretion Of The Uric Acid
Let’s say, the body may get rid of all the uric acid that you produce to an extent that the condition will not happen at all. However, if the uric acid excretion is decreased or slowed down, the uric acid will be given enough chance to accrue and will crystalize eventually. This is actually the most mutual of all the reasons for the condition.
There’s this one usual cause of this –the kidney damage. Having an impaired kidney may cause a low glomerular rate of filtration hence it may filter fewer toxins. However, this isn’t always the case. A lot of those who suffer from gout have a healthy pair of kidneys before gout decided to cause some havoc. Why? Because there is an excessive amount of trash.
In the event that the kidneys must take care of the excessive amount of trash, there’ll be fewer space that’ll be left for the uric acid to be expelled from the body. Acids are one good example of this particular trash. When the body is in the acidotic state, the kidneys will be overwhelmed by the excessive level of acids. It must divide its own attention in both the uric acid excretion, as well as the excretion of some other acids. Therefore, leaving little space for the uric acid to be excreted.