The Relationship Between Thalassemia And Gout


Do you know what is thalassemia? Do you know someone suffering from this condition? Does it have any connection with gout? Well, that particular condition is what we are going to discuss in this article. Read on to know about the connection between thalassemia and gout. Worry less, because all the information that you will read are all true.

Thalassemia and Gout: The condition

Thalassemia is actually a group of the condition, which is hereditarily congenital. This may seriously constrict with the ability of the body to produce hemoglobin. Know that the hemoglobin is a type of protein that carries the oxygen that we breathe through the lungs and the entire body. Additionally, those who suffer from thalassemia have lower levels of hemoglobin than the average count of the red blood cells in the body. We know that usually, the red blood cells are too small in size.

Moreover, hemoglobin is produced from the bone marrow through the use of iron. The iron nutrient is what the body takes from the foods we eat. This is the reason why the bone marrow from those who suffer from thalassemia doesn’t yield enough level of red blood cells or hemoglobin for that particular matter. This may actually cause fatigue and anemia as the body is being deprived of oxygen. Those who suffer from mild thalassemia may not need a blood transfusion to replenish the hemoglobin and the red blood cells. Having proper diet and regular exercise may help in dealing with the symptoms of fatigue and thalassemia.

Thalassemia and Gout: Whom does it affect?

The condition, thalassemia mainly occurs in those who are living in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Greece, and Italy. There are lots and lots of people in these regions who experience the condition. Furthermore, if you come from these regions and you suddenly suffer from a slight up to severe thalassemia, the chances are, you will develop hyperuricemia in the blood in the long run. Not just that, the uric acid levels may rise. You may also have a certain increase in the risk of developing gout. The evidence of this particular issue can also be seen in those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Thalassemia and Gout: Their relationship with each other, and what you can do?

I know this may seem as if it just touches a bit of the minority of gout patients. However, even though some suffer from mild thalassemia, maybe this was the main cause for the development of gout for them. Not just that, it may also be another factor, which may cause somebody to develop gout. If you are suffering from thalassemia, you should talk to your doctor about it. Moreover, you should also monitor your uric acid levels closely.

One more thing, you should avoid any excess consumption of iron. Except if, your doctor really suggests you take it. Make certain that you eat a healthy diet, which may be beneficial in making you feel better. As well as keep the energy levels high. Furthermore, the diet must also contain enough vitamin D and Calcium to be able to keep the bones healthy.

Moreover, you must also speak to your doctor about taking a folic acid supplement to help the body in producing more and more new red blood cells. It is also significant to protect your own self against any infections. Thus, wash your hands more often than not, and avoid getting in contact with sick people.

You should be well aware of all the foods that you take. You should make sure that they are low in purine content. By that way, you will be able to lower the chance of the onset of gout flare-ups. After all, prevention is better than cure.

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