How Long Gout Attacks Last?


In this article, you will get to know the real deal about how long gout attacks last. Well, this is actually a vague discussion for some, and there are just a few who really know it. So sit back, relax, and give this article a read and you will add more and more knowledge in your mind. Worry less, because all that will be included here are factual information that you can really trust!

How Long Gout Attacks Last?

If you are a new sufferer of gout, then you might be wondering on how long really does the lingering pain that gout attacks last. In the actual fact, those who have already experienced this condition know very well that the gout attacks and the gout pain may last for days up to weeks, varying on how serious it is. Well, honestly, the answer is not that simple.

The gout flare-ups have the tendency to become penetratingly painful in the first twelve to twenty-four hours. After that, you will experience a lengthy daily incremental improvement, ‘til the pain finally subsides entirely. That is if you do not jump to treating the condition straightaway with colchicine, or some other medications. At an average, a gout attack may range from three days up to one week. However, for some, a gout flare-up may be a bit stubborn and may last for weeks. If you leave the condition not being treated, you may expect recurrent gout attacks for certain lengths of time.

Moreover, this is this one patient that I knew having stage 3 chronic gout. The normal uric acid levels of this patient are commonly between 3 milligrams/dl to about 6 milligrams/dl. Throughout the gout attack, his own uric acid level jumps to about 11 milligrams/dl to about 18 milligrams/dl. Nobody wants to end up like this patient, as he can no longer walk now and is just stuck in his wheelchair because of the continuous inflammation of the joints. If you are suffering from recurrent gout flare-ups, you should do something about it. This is for the condition to not come back.

What can you do?

Due to the reason that gout is a progressive condition and if you do not control the levels of uric acid to lower than 5 milligrams/dl, then you may expect more and more gout flare-ups. Furthermore, if you are going to take febuxostat, allopurinol, and some other uric acid lowering prescription medicines, and experience gout attacks, then you should check with your own doctor. Not just that, you should also reassess the uric acid-lowering therapy that you are using. Always bear in mind that the gout pain may take place when the uric acid crystallizes and when it dissolves.

Therefore, if you just recently experience your first ever gout attack and your doctor suggests you to take allopurinol, then there is a possibility that you will also get colchicine to prevent the next gout attack. This is not for a lifetime, they are just beneficial for the first two weeks to avoid prompting gout flares as the uric acid crystals start to melt.

Keeping the levels of uric acid in the safe range of lower 5 milligrams/dl must keep gout away. Furthermore, you must follow a certain gout diet plan and various lifestyle changes. Always remember that keeping the levels of uric acid low in a healthy way is at all times better than taking prescription medicines. The truth is that you do not control the levels of uric acid. In due course, you may experience a permanent pain as those horrid crystals will stay on the bones. This may cause a permanent damage to the joints.

How Long Gout Attacks Last: The Conclusion

To cut a long story short, and to answer the question, “how long gout attacks last?”, a gout attack may last from about a day up to several weeks. This depends on what stage you are in, the lifestyle, diet, and the treatments you take. You should be well aware of all the foods that you take. You should make sure that they are low in purine content. By that way, you will be able to lower the chance of the onset of gout flare-ups. After all, prevention is better than cure.


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