The Connection Between Body Mass Index And Gout


In this article, we are going to talk about the connection between the body mass index and gout. Does these two really are connected with each other? Read on to this article and you’ll get to know the answer. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the read. Worry less, because it is for a guarantee that you will learn a lot from this article!

What is BMI?

BMI or the body mass index is actually a measurement tool, which compares the height to the actual weight of a certain person. Moreover, this particular measurement tool calculates if you are underweight, overweight, or at the ideal weight for the height that you have. As we say, the body mass index is a measure of the body fat basing on the weight in connection with the height. This applies to a most adult of any gender, with age 20 and above. Furthermore, for children aging 2 and above, the BMI percentile is the best assessment of the body fat.

Nevertheless, always bear in mind that the body mass index does not directly measure the body fat. However, the study specifies that the BMI associates with the direct measures of the body fat. This includes the underwater weighing and the DXA or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Moreover, it’s also considered as an easy-to-perform and inexpensive alternative for these.

Other facts about BMI:

  • BMI must be used as a measuring tool to track the weight status in various populations, as well as a screening tool to assess the possible weight problem of an individual.
  • For the reason that the BMI does not directly measure the body fat, it must not be used as a diagnostic tool.
  • The BMI is a reasonable indicator of the body fat for children and for adults.
  • For the children and adolescents between the age of 2 to 20, the BMI is inferred in relation to the age and the sex of the child or adolescent.
  • For adults age 20 and up, the body mass index is interpreted with the use of standard weight status, which are the same for all the ages and gender.
  • Factors like muscle mass, ethnicity, sex, and age are not accounted for BMI.

How to calculate BMI?

In order to calculate the BMI, you should follow its simple formula.

The first thing you need to do is to weigh yourself on the weighing scale in pounds. The second thing to do if you don’t know your height is to measure it with the use of a measuring tape. The third step is to take the height in inches, then square that number. Put simply, multiply the number on its own.

For instance, your height is at 70 inches, 70*70=4,900 and you weigh 180 lbs. What you need to do next is to divide the weight with the calculated height. Therefore, the calculation will be BMI=180/4,900. The result will be 0.36734693. Lastly, take the result and multiply it by 703 (the conversion factor). The final computation will then be 0.36734693*703=25.82. Now, that 25.82 is your BMI.

The BMI scale comprises of the following:

  • A BMI lesser than 18.6 signifies that you’re underweight.
  • A BMI between 18.6 & 24.9 signifies that you’re at a healthy weight status.
  • BMI between 25 & 29.9 signifies that you’re overweight for your height.
  • A BMI over 30 signifies that you’re obese, and must consider losing weight.
  • A BMI over 35 signifies that you’re possible morosely obese and must watch out.

Always bear in mind that the body mass index is a good rough indicator of the weight as it does not take into account the muscle mass and the bone structure. Therefore, you should speak to your doctor about your BMI.

The Connection Between Body Mass Index and Gout

Studies actually show that higher the BMI is equal to the higher risk of developing gout. With the result that signifies that you’re overweight, the risk of developing gout is two times as much at a BMI in a healthy weight ranging below 25. Furthermore, with the BMI of above 30, the risk goes up by 2 ½ more likely to develop the condition. Lastly, if you score above 35, the risk is three times. Therefore, if your BMI score is higher than 25, it’s the time that you take the necessary steps in changing your lifestyle and diet. This is for you to cope up with gout in the upcoming years.


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