Do you love eating pork? If you do, then you are acquiring lots and lots of fats. Well, there is no problem with that. Fat is very significant for the health as it supports a lot of the body’s functions. In the actual fact, fat provides energy as well as a transferor of various essential nutrients. These nutrients include vitamins K, A, D, and E, as well as carotenoids. In this article, you will be able to know how fat affects gout. So, if you want to know about this stuff and more, feel free to give this article a read.
The problem with fat is that it is very high in calories. We know that more calories may equate to more weight gain. This, in particular, is in connection to the poor health. We all eat fat each and every day. Our bodies actually need it, however, the question is how much fat does our body really need?
One misperception about fat is, there are two kinds of it. The healthy fats and the harmful fats. They often believe that the healthy fat consists of the polyunsaturated fat, trans fat, unsaturated fat, and saturated fat. What you don’t know is that the body can also make its own fat when eating an excessive amount of calories.
On the other hand, the harmful fat consists of the trans fat and the saturated fat. The saturated fat mostly comes from various sources of animal food, just like seafood, chicken, and red meat. Moreover, dairy products are also included in here, just like butter and cheese. The saturated fat may increase the total cholesterol level, as well as the LDL. This may lead to heart conditions, even Type 2 diabetes. Whether it comes from an animal or from vegetable, the saturated fat conveys the very same risk.
The trans fat, on the other hand, is made from the process of food processing. Here, they are partially hydrogenated, the process of making the food solid at a room temperature just like vegetable shortening. Furthermore, they are also found in a number of fried foods and processed foods.
If you are going to shop for food at a grocery store and you get to see the terms shortening, partially hydrogenated, and hydrogenated, it contains trans fat. You should be leaving it on the shelf. Trans fat will just increase your LDL and Cholesterol levels faster and lower the HDL.
What Fats are Healthy?
Knowing what fats are healthy is as necessary as knowing how fat affects gout. so, let’s get into it. The healthier kind of fats are typically the unsaturated ones. The polyunsaturated fat is commonly found in nuts, fatty fish, and seeds. When I say fatty fish, I mean those fishes that are very good for us in providing omeg-3 and 6 fatty acids, which may help in lowering the level of cholesterol. One good example is salmon. For the reason that the body isn’t capable of making them, we should get them from the foods that we eat.
Furthermore, the monounsaturated fats are beneficial in raising the HDL, which is actually the good cholesterol. This can be found in olive oil, seeds, nuts, and avocados. Moreover, in the world of good fats, you would want to eat mostly omega-3-rich foods that may help in fighting the inflammation, control blood clotting, and lower the cholesterol level. This is the reason why eating salmon, flaxseed, trout, soy, and walnuts is a really good thing to avert the condition.
One key thing in the gout diet is actually to eat about 10% of the daily calories intake as fat, this may equate to about 200 calories per day.
How Fat Affects Gout?
Through the addition of more pounds, this is actually the way on how fat affects gout. This is since it causes to raise the uric acid level and increase the risk of acquiring more gout attack. Simply speaking, the more that you weigh, the lesser the efficiency of the body is in removing the excess amount of uric acid in the blood.
Furthermore, there is also something that we can say about the belly fat and the risk of acquiring gout. Research has already found that gout as well as the visceral fat, a fat that accumulates in the abdomen has a connection to the insulin resistance, gout, and the possibility of the development of type 2 diabetes.
There is a study conducted in 2015 that suggest, people who aren’t overweight but have high levels of belly fat may have a higher risk in developing gout, in comparison to those who have a flat belly. Moreover, they were also more at risk of suffering from metabolic conditions.
How Much Fat Should You Eat?
Truly, there is a reason on how fat affects gout, but really, how much fat should you eat? In the actual fact, in a gout diet, you should eat not more than 10% of your own calories level. Therefore, in a common and average diet of 2000 calories, 200 of it must be fat. Hence, you must eat 22 grams of fat every day. This is if you want to count your own fat and calories intake.