Whey Protein For Gout: Is It Really Beneficial?


Usually, people use whey protein as a supplement along with their resistance to exercise. They use it to help them improve their muscle protein synthesis. As well as promote the lean growth of their muscle mass. Actually, bodybuilders and weightlifters asked about the effectiveness of protein shakes or whey protein for gout. However, what really is this whey protein? What are the benefits of using it? Is whey protein for gout really beneficial? Or is it the other way around? Read on to this article and you’ll know the answers!

Whey Protein…

Whey protein comes from milk. Milk is mainly made of two proteins, the whey, and casein. The whey protein actually can be separated from the milk’s casein. If not, it can be formed as a byproduct in the process of making cheese. The whey protein is actually well-thought-out as a complete protein. This is since it contains all the 9 essential amino acids needed by the body. Furthermore, it is also low in lactose.

Some say that the whey protein has a lot of potential benefits. Many of which are based on some single studies, thus more evidence is necessary before believing them. The whey protein is actually a mixture of immunoglobins, bovine serum albumin, and alpha-lactalbumin.

Types of Whey Protein

There are three main types of whey protein, the whey protein hydrolysate, whey protein isolate, and whey protein concentrate. Read on below to know them all.

  • Whey Protein Hydrolysate. This is actually considered as the form of protein that’s predigested. This is since it already has undergone fractional hydrolysis. This is the process that is necessary for the absorption of protein in the body. This type of whey protein does not require so much digestion.
  • Whey Protein Isolate. This particular type of whey protein is being processed further to get rid of all the lactose and fat in it. It is typically 90% of protein.
  • Whey Protein Concentrate. This contains low levels of fact, as well as low levels of carbs. The percentage of protein here actually depends on how concentrated it is. The concentrates in the lower end may have 30% protein and the higher one is up to about 90%.

Whey Protein for Gout: Can it cause the condition?

The whey protein supplements in the form of powder are very popular to bodybuilders as well as athletes. This is since this kind of supplements are regularly promoted as a means of maintaining and building muscles. This is for the reason that the amino acids are being depleted through a workout. The whey protein is a supplement that’s also rich in lactoferrin that is beneficial in the healing process of the body. There is no doubt that these whey protein supplements have a higher concentration of protein. In the actual fact, whey is one of the best sources of natural proteins.

One simple truth is that the body may just use an excessive amount of protein per day. Consuming excessive amounts of it may put an additional strain on the kidneys and liver. The uric acid levels may go higher because of this. Therefore, you may end up with gout attack or gout flare up.

Even though whey protein comes from the cow’s milk and has a small amount of purine, you may choose to limit the amount of protein that you consume. You must take some precautions before increasing the protein intake through whey protein as you suffer from gout. Not just that, the high intake of protein may also contribute to the onset of kidney stones, as those who suffer from gout are more vulnerable.

Whey Protein for Gout: The Truth

Even though there are some who may not want to believe, the truth is that the body does not need so much protein at all. The body doesn’t need so much protein to repair the muscle from physical activities. In the actual fact, science proves this in various studies. As a matter of fact, as a study in the University of Texas, they found that about 4oz. of protein that comes from meat every day is already enough to repair the muscles of an athlete. Furthermore, the need for more protein is extensively exaggerated by the industry of whey protein.

The typical serving of the whey powder is approximately 90 calories and has about 20 grams of protein in every serving. This is a lot of protein in just a small amount of calories. You must bear in mind that you must stick to the 10% daily intake of calories and protein. As a gout sufferer, one must stick to what his or her doctor recommended.

There is a need to consult your doctor before deciding whether or not you will take whey protein. Your doctor has the information that you need about kidney status. He will also monitor if the medications that you are taking interact with the whey protein or not.


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