What Lesson Can We Get From Tsimane Tribe And Gout?


In this article, we are going to discuss the link between the Tsimane tribe and gout. Wait, can there be a connection between these two? Give this article a read, and you will get to know the answer. There is no need for you to worry because you will be guaranteed learning fresh and new facts! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the read!

Tsimane Tribe: What is this?

The Tsimane or what they also call as the Chimane are indigenous who live in the lowland Bolivia. Actually, they live in various municipalities, including  Santa Ana de Yacuma or Beni Department, Rurrenabaque, San Ignacio de Moxos, and San Borja. In the actual fact, the Tsimane tribe are the main citizens of the Pilon Lajas Reserve and Tsimane Council Territory.

Moreover, they are mainly a subsistence agriculture nation, even though fishing and hunting contribute significantly to the settlements’ food supply of many people. Furthermore, the name of the tribe is also called Romano people, Chiminisin, Chimanis, Chiamane, Chimano, etc.

One interesting fact about the Tsimane tribe is that their blood tissue exhibits a much slower intrinsic epigenetic rate than the other populations, according to the biomarker of the tissue age called the epigenetic clock. This particular finding may explain more about the Tsimane inflammation paradox. This particular paradox states that the high levels of infection and inflammation and low levels of cholesterol aren’t really associated with the hastened cardiovascular aging.

Furthermore, unlike those people in the West, the Tsimane tribe actually live on a diet that is high in non-processed foods and low in saturated fats. Researchers visited around 85 villages of the Tsimane tribe and measured their risk of developing heart conditions through the CT scans. They actually discovered that about 9 out of 10 people had no risk of heart disease. Surprising, isn’t it?

Even though this is hard to achieve in an industrialized world, new can still adopt some of the aspects of their lifestyle. This is for us to potentially foresee a condition that may affect us eventually.

Tsimane Tribe: The takeaway from their diet

Nevertheless, the takeaway for me about the diet that the Tsimane tribe has is that it consists of largely complex carbs, which includes non-processed carbohydrates that are rich in fiber. This includes fruits, nuts, corn, rice, and plantain. Doesn’t it sound the same as some gout diet plans? Well, I am referring to the 80-10-10 gout diet, quite similar, isn’t it?

The protein comprised of about 14% of the Tsimane tribe diet plan and mainly came from animal meat. Moreover, the fat consists of 14% of their diet, which is equal to about 38 grams of fat every day. This includes 11 grams of saturated fat and has no trans fat or whatsoever. One more good thing about them is that they do not smoke –anybody in them smokes!

Tsimane Tribe and Gout: The Lesson

The main lesson here is that if you are going to follow the 80-10-10 diet plan, you will be able to live a much longer and much healthier life. Your condition of gout will be more in control. Not just that, your risk of getting some other complications of gout, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease will be much lower for you.

Bear in mind that the gout is part of the so-called metabolic syndrome. Conditions like this one may come mostly from bad habits and diets. Even though genetics play a role to some extent, the aforementioned two are the most that play. One more thing, it is very important to have an activity every day. Note, the Tsimane tribe has a lot of activities every day, just like walking and hunting for 8 hours. Having a regular exercise is very important for those who suffer from gout.

We should learn from the Tsimane tribe. We should apply their own lifestyle and dietary plan to lower those uric acid levels drastically!


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