In this article, we are going to tackle about the connection between weather and gout. Can there be a link between these two? Read on to this article and you’ll know. Worry less, because you will learn a lot from this article, I guarantee you!
Weather and Gout: Weather Changes
The climate actually plays a huge role for those who suffer from gout, most especially when it is humid and hot. This may lead to triggering gout flare-ups and even dehydration. In the event that the body is worn-out of fluids via perspiration, you may suffer from recurring gout flare-ups. This is the reason why it is important to drink a lot of water if the humidity index is at a high level.
Moreover, there are also some gout sufferers who have been reported that they experience gout attacks in the fall season and when the season changes. Furthermore, after a lengthy period of time where the temperature is already stable at a particular range of degrees, the bodies tend to become more familiar to the constancy. Then and there, if the temperature drops drastically, it is just reasonable that you believe that the excess uric acid may crystallize in the joints. This will then trigger a gout flare-up.
Always bear in mind that a gout is a form of arthritis and those who suffer from arthritis are sensitive to the weather changes as well. As the body familiarizes to the new season as well as the new range of temperatures, the levels of uric acid will also adjust consequently. This is until the next change in the season or weather comes. In order to avoid gout flare-ups, it is very important to maintain a regular body temperature, in spite of the changes of the temperature and the pressure of the environment.
Weather and Gout: The link between them
There is a study conducted to evaluate the link between the risk of recurring gout and weather. The study states that there is a 43% increase in the risk of developing gout flare-ups when the temperature is at 50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit moves up to about 70 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. In the case that the temperature drops from 30 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit to lesser than 30 degrees, it is considered to be a decrease in the risk of gout attack of about 25 to 40 percent correspondingly.
Moreover, the researchers also noticed about the connection between the humidity and temperature. In fact, they found that there was a two-fold increase in the risk of a gout flare-up when the temperature is much higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. As well as the humidity index being below than 60 percent compared to when the temperatures were at 50 to 69 degrees and the humid index was at 60 to 74 percent.
Weather and Gout: What to do now?
What a gout sufferer must do is to maintain a regular body temperature even though the weather is drastically changing. This is the key to avoiding the possible gout attack. Furthermore, it is also important when weather changes to humidity and heat to stay hydrated as you lose more water when it is hot. You should drink water frequently as water may be beneficial in maintaining the body’s constant temperature. You should try and have an air conditioning wherever you go if possible, this may be beneficial for you.
In the event that the weather changes to cold, you will definitely need to warm up yourself. If it is possible for you to move to a warmer area in the winter season, better! If not, then make sure that you bundle up when you are going out. Moreover, you should wear an extra pair of socks in order to keep your feet warm. You should also dress in layers to get a warmer temperature. Furthermore, you may drink warm beverages like coffee or tea to warm the body up and raise the body temperature.
You should try to keep moving in the cold weather, as this may produce body heat. For the reason that you’re more active, this may improve the blood circulation. When you’re at home, you should make sure to have something to keep you warm on a cold night.
Notwithstanding if, it is a hot or cold weather, you should take some necessary precautions in order to avoid a painful gout attack.
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