What Are The Stages Of Gout?


Gout is a kind of arthritis that is not much of a threatening condition. But this condition excuses no one. That is why, it is very important to be aware of its symptoms, its causes, and its different stages.

This article aims to explain the stages of gout. Find out what stages of gout are accepted medically, and what stages of gout are not recognized but are worth knowing.

The First Stage of Gout – Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia

Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia is the first stage of gout which shows no symptoms at all. From the word asymptomatic, which means showing or producing no symptoms. This stage will leave the hyperuricemic person clueless not unless the person decides to take a uric acid test or a general laboratory test.

There are no officially recognized symptoms of hyperuricemia. However, you can come up with a variety of hyperuricemia symptoms by watching out for the precursors of hyperuricemia.

This stage of gout can be detected through uric acid test result. A normal uric acid level is 6mg/dL for men and 6.8mg/dL for women. Beyond this levels is likely that the person has hyperuricemia. In this stage, uric acid will stealthily accumulate in the synovial fluids of the joints. As the saturation point is reached, uric acid crystallizes. The saturation point is the point where the ratio of the solute-to-solvent is very high. Uric acid molecules outnumber the molecules of the solute, which is the synovial fluids. The crystallization of uric acid in the joints is much faster than any other part of the body because the uric acid has a low saturation point in the joints.

The Second Stage of Gout – Acute Gout a.k.a Gout Attack

Once the uric acid crystals grow enough in size, gout attack happens. The neutrophils come in to try and fend off the uric acid crystal. Sadly, they will not be able to do so because they are not designed to dissolve the crystal. This results in the automatic action of our immune system which is to send more neutrophils. As a consequence, pain and inflammation sets in. Lucky people only have gout attack once. The less fortunate ones suffer from recurring gout attacks.

The Third Stage of Gout – Intercritical Gout

The third stage of gout is called intercritical gout. This stage is the intervals between gout attacks. A person who is under this stage is simply a gout patient who suffered from inflammation in the joint(s) long before being evaluated by the doctor. This means that the individual’s gout is just not active visibly at the moment. Gout temporarily stops, but the uric acid crystal accumulates in the process. Sadly, just like holiday vacations, intercritical gout has an end. Brace yourself as the well-rested gout delights in your pain.

The Fourth Stage of Gout – Chronic Tophaceous Gout

This is when the joints and cartilage are damaged by the uric acid crystal. MSU crystals begin to protrude causing not only damage but also discomfort. In some cases, this is accompanied by a never-ending gout attack. Usually, small tophaceous deposits appear in different parts of the body such as the earlobes and fingers. Be wary when the small yellow chalky nodules appear in your body!

Unexpected Stages of Gout

The four stages mentioned are medically recognized. But, there are stages of gout one does not expect to occur.

Zeroth Stage of Gout – An acidotic body

Hyperuricemia did not magically appear due to bad luck. There is something that caused hyperuricemia. If you do not undergo chemotherapy or suffer from Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome, then an acidotic body might be the cause.

When you suffer from acidosis, the rate at which uric acid is excreted is drastically reduced. This is because your body has to excrete not just uric acid but also other acids as well. As a result, uric acid accumulates faster. Think about it. Why does uric acid end up accumulating if the body can flush all of them out? Right? The power of the kidneys has to be allocated. The kidney is not a wonder-machine with infinite processing power. Uric acid and other toxic wastes have to fall in line to be excreted.

Believe me when I say that many of us have an acidotic body. Acidic meat, processed foods, junk foods and alcoholic beverages– the pleasures of life comes with a cost.

The LAST Stage of Gout – 3D’s

The last stage of gout comes in three D’s – Decline of health, Degenerative diseases and worse, Death. An acidotic body is prone to degenerative diseases because an acidic environment is perfect for the destruction of your inner terrain. These degenerative diseases are terrifying as it sounds, they are fatal.


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