What Are The Effects Of Cinnamon For Gout?


Spices are very significant in making dishes taste good and mouthwatering. Spices are also beneficial in making the foods we eat last longer than the usual. Not only that, spices are also significant in making foods very special. One spice that can make your heart melt is the cinnamon. Even just upon hearing the word ‘cinnamon’ it already pleases our mind, isn’t it? What more when we put it into our foods. Well, cinnamon is not just about its taste, because of its ample amount of nutrients, it is also beneficial for the health. The health benefits of cinnamon are all good for the overall health. Well, that is not the only that we are going to discuss in this article, we are also going to tackle the effects of the cinnamon for gout. So, if I were you, read on to this article and learn a lot!

Cinnamon for Gout: Facts about the spice

Cinnamon is a spice that is actually obtained from the inner bark of some tree species in the genus Cinnamomum. Furthermore, cinnamon is mainly valuable as an aromatic flavoring additive and condiment in a number of cuisines, savory, and sweet dishes. Moreover, it may also be a good addition to traditional foods, snack foods, as well as in breakfast cereals.

In the actual fact, the term ‘cinnamon’ also denotes to the mid-brown color of the spice. Furthermore, cinnamon is actually the name for various species of the trees as well as the profitmaking spice products, which some of them yield. In addition, the aroma, as well as the flavor of cinnamon, come from its very own essential oil and its principal constituent, cinnamaldehyde. Together with a number of some other components, including eugenol.

Moreover, cinnamon is an average type of tree, which is characterized by oval-shaped leaves, berry fruit, and a thick bark. When ingathering the spice, the leaves, as well as the bark, are the main parts of the plants that are used. Furthermore, cinnamon is nurtured by growing the tree for about two years, and then coppicing it. For instance, cutting the stems at the ground level. In the succeeding year, approximately a dozen new shoots from the roots appear, thus replacing the cut ones.

The stems of the plant must immediately be processed after harvesting. This is while the inner bark is still wet. Moreover, the cut stems will then be processed by scraping off the outer bark and then pounding the branch consistently with a hammer to be able to loosen the inner part of the bark, which will then be pried off in some long rolls.

Cinnamon for Gout: Nutritional Facts                                   

A bit of cinnamon may go a long way already. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties are what makes it even more especially beneficial as an addition to the diet. The stronger the dose, the stronger the benefits on the body.

One ounce or 28 grams of cinnamon has:

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value
Calories 69.2 Kcal 3%
Protein 1.1 grams 2%
Total fat 0.3 grams 1%
Sugars 0.6 grams
Dietary fiber 14.9 grams 59%
Carbohydrates 22.6 grams 8%
Omega 6 fatty acid 12.3 milligrams
Omega 3 fatty acid 3.1 milligrams
Selenium 0.9 micrograms 1%
Manganese 4.9 milligrams 245%
Copper 0.1 milligrams 5%
Zinc 0.5 milligrams 3%
Sodium 2.8 milligrams 0%
Potassium 121 milligrams 3%
Phosphorus 17.9 milligrams 2%
Magnesium 16.8 milligrams 4%
Iron 2.3 milligrams 13%
Calcium 281 milligrams 28%
Vitamin A 82.6 IU 2%
Vitamin B6 0.0 milligrams 2%
Vitamin C 1.1 milligrams 2%
Vitamin E 0.6 milligrams 3%
Vitamin K 8.7 micrograms 11%
Betaine 1.1 milligrams
Choline 3.1 milligrams
Folate 1.7 micrograms 0%
Niacin 0.4 milligrams 2%
Pantothenic acid 0.1 milligrams 0%
Riboflavin 0.4 milligrams 2%

Cinnamon for Gout: Benefit for gout

Studies show that even just a small amount of cinnamon every day may reduce the blood pressure level significantly. Moreover, studies also suggest that taking a half teaspoon of the cinnamon powder may reduce the levels of cholesterol, especially for those who have high levels of it. Moreover, when you mix it with honey, a half teaspoon may hugely affect and reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Not just that, it may also be beneficial in relieving all kinds of joint pains. This includes arthritis and gout.

Moreover, cinnamon reduces the blood sugar levels of the body. Thus helping those who diabetes via slowing the rate on which the stomach empties after every meal. This may help in reducing the rise of blood sugar after eating. In addition, cinnamon is also beneficial to those who have a type 2 diabetes in improving their own ability to respond to insulin via normalizing the blood sugar levels.

Moreover, cinnamon is an extremely potent antioxidant, which when likened to the six other antioxidant spices, it shows to be the most effective of all. Especially in inhibiting the enzymes responsible for the production of uric acid and avoiding gout attacks.

There is no doubt that it is beneficial for gout. Use it in your meals, and you’ll see a miracle with your condition.


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