What Are The Best Gout Tablets?


Regardless of what part of the world it is, the east or the west, the numeber of those who suffer from gout is increasing steadily as the pleasures of the life grows steadily too. This is both in strength and in a number of the temptation that they bring about. Therefore the number of the medications bein gused to treat the condition also grows in number. What’s the sad thing here is that, it isnt just about the sheer number because in spite of the number of the gout tablets that are available in stores, they are just simply ineffective brands that are for an even more ineffective general medication.

This article actually aims to explain the effectiveness of some of the most common gout tablets, as well as how ineffective or effective they are. Read on to this article to know them all.


Firstly, their name stands for Non- Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs, like indomethacin, naproxen, and some others, are the most diverse gout tablets. Each of them has their own degree of effects, as well as side effects. Though not primarily intended to get rid of gout, they are beneficial in alleviating both the inflammation and pain. Even though they come in lots of varieties, their own core principle turns around the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which plays a huge role in the presence of inflammation and pain.

Moreover, the side effects of NSAIDs may vary. For example, diclofenac has antiuricosuric properties. Which means that it is the very opposite of the uricosuric drugs. Diclofenac may avoid the uric acid excretion. This just means that it’ll be very bad for the condition.

Mitotic Inhibitors

Mitotic inhibitors, such as colchicine, are examples of gout tablets that are used in alleviation of inflammation and pain. Furthermore, it is very effective in doing it so. It is a gout sufferer’s go-to medication when the pain already become so hard to solve with the help of mind over matter. Desolately, it only removes the inflammation and pain, and not the root of the inflammation. As you may have already known, the inflammation and pain are the body’s way of saying that there is something in a specific part of the body that shouldn’t be in there.

That “something” that I am saying is simply ignored when taking colchicine and is just like telling the body to keep quiet, as it tries communicating with you through the pain. Additionally, the fact that colchicine has some austere and deadly side effects thanks to its own mechanisms. Wait, have I already mentioned that the key purpose of the colchicine is reducing the cell counts? Sadly, it does. It actually mutilates and inflicts against the cells, which are the building blocks of life.

Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitors

The xanthine oxidase inhibitors, just like the allopurinol, are some sort of gout tablets, which lessens uric acid. But just in a temporary manner. Though it’s widely known to lower the uric acid, it neither flush the uric acid out nor stops its production. Rather, it pauses the uric acid production. However, the uric acid that’s not produced will then be produced later toting to the uric acid that’s already being produced. That’s the reason why the allopurinol has been known to cause some severe type of gout attacks.

Moreover, allopurinol gaps the production of the uric acid by way of inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is actually responsible for the break down of purine to uric acid. Conversely, purine will not be broken down into uric acid. That being said, taking allopurinol, purine will simply accumulate ‘til it can be broken down. As the body detects the volume of purine is already extremely high, it will produce too much xanthine oxidase. Hence, severe gout attack will follow. This is actually so ironic for a gout tablet.


Excreting urine is the best way of getting rid of the uric acid. Uricosurics perhaps be your best gout tablets in doing this. Uricosurics, just like brenzbromarone, are the type of drugs, which upsurge the uric acid excretion in the urine. They do this via blocking the protein urate transporter 1, which is actually responsible for allowing the uric acid to be reabsorbed in the bloodstream from the kidneys.

Consequently, the uric acid will not be capable of being absorbed into the bloodstream. Rather, it remains in the kidneys to be flushed out. This is what increases the rate of the uric acid excreted. However, this is what forces too much of the uric acid into the kidneys. Accordingly, it importantly upsurges the chance of uric acid kidney stones.


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