Things You Need To Know About Uric Acid Deposits


Have you ever think about how the body really works? How the eyes blink? How do we move? How we breath? If yes, then you must have been astounded by how complex the body is. The body acts as a whole. However, a simple lack of the equilibrium to this particular process may affect the whole body. This is the reason why the body employs a lot of defenses in maintaining the balance. This particular set of defense is known as the homeostasis.

The homeostasis is actually good enough for the maintenance of the body’s integrity. Unluckily though, if we are to overburden it, it may cause a lot of damages. One damage that may occur is the uric acid deposits all over the body.

Uric Acid

Have you ever tried cutting a paper into shapes? You may think of the paper as the purine, the final cut out as the usable product and the wasted paper as the uric acid. Where does the wasted paper go? Well, to the trash can.

Now, imagine you have cut out hundreds of pieces of paper into different shapes. Where will you put all of the trash generated? Of course, in the trash can. This will not be huge of a problem as the garbage collector will take care of these things and soon you may dump trash all over again.

Now, imagine you have cut out thousands. Can you still put all the junk in the trash can? Absolutely, they will not fit. You‘ll have to store that anywhere else. You’ll have to throw the floor with all of that garbage. This will keep on going ‘til the collector come to action to collect all the trash. Unluckily, if the house is so littered, there is a doubt that the garbage collector may be able to collect all the trash.

That is precisely how the uric acid works. It’s a waste product that’s produced when the purine is transformed into its usable form. Usually, it may be excreted through the urinary tract. Regrettably, the liver and the kidney cannot process them all at one time. As a result, the unprocessed uric acid will need to be stored. This is now where the uric acid deposits start.

Uric Acid Deposits

The unprocessed uric acid may be sent back to the body. Over a period of time, it‘ll accrue and may increase the acidity level of the body. The acidity value of the blood is supposedly 7.3, which is somewhat alkaline. The uric acid may ruin this particular balance, and tarnishing this particular balance may make the body go erratic.

All the functions of the body depend mainly on this balance. To balance this kind of acidic overflow, the body will use homeostatic behaviors to balance the blood’s pH. One particular behavior is putting away the uric acid.

Provisional uric acid deposits will now be created inside the interstitial fluids, or the fluids that surround the cells.  When there’s a space for them to be handled by the liver, they’re sent back to the bloodstream for defecation. However, if you produce more uric acid than the volume that you can excrete, the uric acid deposits may accumulate over a period of time.

If this thing happens, the body will start to improvise. The uric acid will then be stored in the synovial fluids located at the synovial joints like in the elbow, knee, fingers and many others.

How Should I Avoid Uric Acid Deposits?

Remember again the trash that we talked about earlier. What will make it full quicker? Of course, when there’s already a good amount of trash that’s stored earlier in the waste papers. The same goes for the uric acid. If there are too much of other acids that are infesting the body already, the bloodstream, as well as the interstitial fluids will have lesser storage space for the uric acid. Therefore, we will focus not just in the eradication of uric acid but to the other acids too.

An excessive level of acidity in the blood, whether it is lactic, uric, or some other acids, is known as acidosis. To fight this, we must utilize the exact reverse of acidity, alkalinity!

You need to hydrate the interstitial fluids with alkaline water in order to neutralize the acid. If you like to try this particular approach, alkaline is a good choice.


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