Things You Need To Know About Tophaceous Gout


Gout causes its sufferer’s undesirable pain that they don’t deserve. Not mentioning the stress that it also brings about. Well, not all gouts are like this. As a matter of fact, there is a certain form of gout that is painless. I am talking about tophaceous gout. However, I don’t think that you would want to downgrade to that particular form of gout. Even though the tophaceous gout is painless, it will still give you suffering, discomfort, as well as obstruction.

This article wishes to explain all the necessary details about tophaceous gout. What really is this form of gout? How to treat this almost painless fiend? Read on and know more about it.

Tophaceous Gout: A Discomfort Giver Form Of Gout

Tophaceous gout, or what they also call as the chronic tophaceous gout and sometimes known as the Harrison Syndrome, is actually a form of gout that has no inflammation. There is still a protruding nodule in the joint that’s affected. Remember that there may still be some seasons of gout attacks, which may still be very painful.

Furthermore, tophaceous gout has a protruding nodule that doesn’t actually diminish. Take note, it’s not the enflamed joint that swells. It is the tophus.

Tophus, as we know, is a white-yellowish fine nodule, which appears beneath the skin. Typically, it appears in the earlobes, as well as in the outer ear. However, in the case of the Harrison Syndrome, it appears on the joint. It may vary in size, which may range from microscopic to the size of a baseball. Oddly enough, it infrequently hurts. This doesn’t appear to be a downgraded form of gout.

If you are unlucky, the tophaceous deposit may form in parts of the body that you’d never imagined, just like the kidneys, penis, pancreas, and inner ear! Tophaceous deposit in the pancreas, as well as in the kidney may be harshly damaging.

Tophus may also decide to reside in places where it may be very hindering. Just envision a tophaceous deposit that grows in the fingers! Additionally, that particular tophus may be very damaging to the joints, cartilage or anywhere it is growing. Therefore, if the tophaceous deposit is removed, it is quite possible that it already has done endless amounts of damage.

Tophaceous Gout: A Bad Sign

Tophus is actually a sign that the body is weeping, crying, and screaming for help already. You may ask why. Continue reading on to know the reason behind it.

The tophus is made of uric acid. Furthermore, tophaceous gout that is of a size of a baseball is so large of a chunk of uric acid. However, we both know that the body is capable of taking care of its own waste. It is, in fact, very effective when it comes to the excretion of the uric acid. This just means that something is wrong.

How does it come that a handful amount of uric acid accrued if the body is effective when it comes to the elimination of the uric acid?

The tophaceous gout is a bad sign that the body is in its acidotic state. The body is infected with so many acids. The lactic acid, oxalic acid, and many more. Most of them are bad for you. This is since excessive levels of acids start to exist, the kidneys will get unfocussed by too many tasks to handle. It must allocate its own power to be able to excrete all of those acids, thus leaving lesser space for the uric acid to be excreted. That being said, the tophaceous gout is a really good sign that you’re suffering from acidosis.

The acidosis can be bad for you. Gout is just the start of what it is capable of doing. A body that’s acidotic is very vulnerable to a lot of illnesses including diabetes, hypertension, different types of cancer and many more.


The chronic tophaceous gout, Harrison Syndrome or whatever they call it, is a condition that serves as an inspiration for the future suffering to come. It is a signal that the body is weeping for help, and you must grant that help. For beginners, you must get rid of the acidosis. This will help your body in dissolving the existing uric acid crystals.


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