The Significance Of Pineapple For Gout And Health


Pineapple –upon reading this particular word, you may have thought about the famous cartoon character, Spongebob Squarepants. Well, that’s just normal as that little cute cartoon character lives on a pineapple under the sea. Even though in real life, that doesn’t make any sense. Well, don’t mind about the cartoon show that I am saying, we are not going to talk about that in this article. We are going to discuss the house of Spongebob –the pineapple. We know that its amazingly delightful taste is oozing with so many benefits, and these benefits are all for the betterment of the health. Well, we are not just going to focus on that, we are also going to discuss the effects of pineapple for gout. Can it be beneficial for gout, or is it the other way around? Read on to this article and you’ll know the answer!

Pineapple for Gout: Facts about the fruit

Pineapple, as we know, is a delicious tropical fruit, which is bounded by some thorny spikes. It also has a waxy and hard leaves on top of it. Commonly, the pineapple fruit is around one foot long and has a combination of sweet and tart flavor.

Moreover, pineapple belongs to the Bromeliaceae family and is a compound fruit that’s made up of merged berries, which grow in the crown of one fruit-bearing tree. The name of the fruit has actually evolved in the 17th century due to its structure and appearance is quite similar to the pinecones.

The season for the pineapple to bear fruit runs from the month of March up to the month of June. Not just that, a single tree may yield a lot of fruits. You may eat it fresh, juiced, preserved, or even cooked. In addition, the leaves of the fruit may also be beneficial as a wallpaper, ceiling insulation, and can even be made into a clothing. The fruit, as well as its juice, may also be enjoyed in the whole wide world. Moreover, it is also a famous flavor for various alcoholic drinks.

Pineapple is native to South America. It has a sturdy stem and has a bromelain, an enzyme or a mix of different protein-digesting enzymes. As a matter of fact, pineapple is the only fruit that has a natural bromelain in it. In order for you to acquire this enzyme, you must it pineapple fresh as cooking may reduce the amount of bromelain in the fruit. Furthermore, pineapple is also rich in vitamin C, which is actually a strong antioxidant.

Pineapple for Gout: Nutrition Facts

100 grams of fresh pineapple may contain the following nutrients:

Principle Amount % Daily Value
Energy 50 Kcal 2.5%
Carbohydrates 13.52 grams 10%
Protein 0.54 grams 1%
Total Fat 0.12 grams <1%
Cholesterol 0 milligrams 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.40 grams 4%
Folates 18 micrograms 4.5%
Niacin 0.500 milligrams 4%
Pyridoxine 0.112 milligrams 9%
Riboflavin 0.018 milligrams 1.5%
Thiamin 0.079 milligrams 6.5%
Vitamin A 58 IU 2%
Vitamin C 47.8 milligrams 80%
Vitamin E 0.02 milligrams <1%
Vitamin K 0.07 micrograms 0.5%
Sodium 1 milligrams 0%
Potassium 109 milligrams 2.5%
Calcium 13 milligrams 1.3%
Copper 0.110 milligrams 12%
Iron 0.29 milligrams 3.5%
Magnesium 12 milligrams 3%
Manganese 0.927 milligrams 40%
Phosphorus 8 milligrams 1%
Selenium 0.1 micrograms <1%
Zinc 0.12 milligrams 1%
Carotene-β 35 micrograms
Crypto-xanthin-β 0 micrograms

Pineapple for Gout: Can it be beneficial for gout?

As for the treatment of gout, studies suggest that the bromelain in pineapple is beneficial in relieving strain-induced gout. By the way, the strain-induced gout is a type of gout that occurs when the uric acid crystals accrue in a particular joint, which becomes inflamed by a normal use or by a strain.

In the actual fact, the bromelain causes the uric acid crystals to fester, thus relieving the patient from pain. Dissimilar from the stems of the pineapple, the pineapple fruit does not contain a sufficient amount of bromelain enzyme to give medicinal effects. If you take it regularly, the bromelain may also help prevent the recurrent gout flare-ups.

Even though there are no enough studies that examine the effects of the bromelain on those who suffer from gout, one study suggests that the bromelain may really reduce the transforming growth factor-beta production. The over-creation of which may be in association with the arthritic-like illnesses. Furthermore, one study also suggests that the bromelain is capable of reducing the physical symptoms of the arthritic symptoms.

There is really no doubt that pineapple is not just beneficial for gout, it is also beneficial for the overall health. Nevertheless, if you are allergic to it, you shouldn’t take it. Your health is more important than anything else!


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