The Effect Of Whisky To Gout


There is no denying that alcoholic beverages are a hit everywhere. The sweet aroma of alcohol, may it be it a wedding reception or a birthday party, alcoholic beverages typically play a part to entertain both the guests and the hosts. Even with a casual trip to a friend’s abode can be incomplete without having a beer, alcohol, or wine to share. Unluckily, though, the role that alcohol is playing doesn’t really end right there, in the cultural and social aspect of life. alcohol plays a main role in the gout formation too.

This article wishes to explain the effects of whisky to gout. Yes, the whisky! Is it bad for gout? Can it cure the condition? Is it a curse? Or is it just an ordinary bottle of alcoholic beverages that may give you satisfaction and a very unbearable pain in the toe?

Whisky: What is it?

The whisky is an alcoholic beverage that’s made through the distillation of certain grain products just like barley, corn, and wheat. This just means that it’s almost the same as the beer when it comes to its ingredients. However, this doesn’t mean that the plague they bring to gout sufferers is the same. In order to understand why, we must first understand the dissimilarity of beer and whisky.

Whisky and Beer: Their Difference

Apart from the fact that the beer is commonly cheaper than the whisky, there are some other differences in between the two. For one, the process in which they’re being produced is so different. Beer is being produced through the process of fermentation, on the other hand, the whisky is produced by way of distillation.

A beverage that is produced through the process of fermentation may produce around 14% pure alcohol, since the fermenting agent translates the fructose, sucrose, glucose and into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Conversely, the process of distillation may produce up to 90% pure alcohol as its main drive is to eradicate as much contamination as possible. The water, as well as some other impurities being taken away and very few remnants will remain. Apart from this, the materials that are used in the distilled beverages already has undergone he process of fermentation. For short, the distillation is more effective in the production of pure alcohol, thus making whiskey more alcoholic than beer.

Alcohol By Volume

The beverages are being measured by what is known as the Alcohol by Volume or ABV. As the name itself implies, this is the ratio of the volume of the alcohol to the total volume of the beverage itself. It’s just like asking the number of ripe cherries in a basket that is full of both ripe and unripe cherries. Therefore, the percentage itself is used in denoting this.

The beer has an ABV of about 5%. This just means that for every 100 milliliters of beer, 5 milliliters is ethanol. In contrast, the whiskey is more alcoholic than the beer. It actually has an astounding 40% ABV! Envision that, for a 100 milliliter of whisky, 40 milliliter is alcohol! Hence, if you may take about 8 bottles of beer without blacking out, don’t be proud. What will a bottle of whisky do? Well, you can expect a victory by knock out from the whisky.

Whisky is Very Alcoholic: What Now?

The main component of the beer, which makes it an opponent of those who suffer from gout is actually alcohol! Why? This is because the alcohol bounds the excretion of the uric acid. Therefore, if a few bottles of beer already gives you gout attacks, expect the very same thing from a few droplets of whisky.

Alcohol is the main material for fuel. In the actual fact, it isn’t just a fuel to vehicles, but to the metabolic pathways too. As a matter of fact, ethanol hastens the lactate and pyruvate production. The lactate will be converted to lactic acid if there’s an excess.

The Lactic acid is one of the enemies for gout sufferer not due to the fact that it accelerates the uric acid production but due to the fact that it slows down the uric acid excretion. Because the lactic acid may cause a lot of trouble in the body, the liver, as well as the kidneys may have to do things just to lessen both the lactic acid and lactate. For example, the lactate is altered back into glucose to be utilized by the body. It may be utilized as pyruvate and lactate, although only the selected organs may use them.


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