The Connection Between Plantar Fasciitis And Gout


In this article, we will be talking about the connection between plantar fasciitis and gout. What is this condition? Does it have any connection with gout? Read on to this article to know! So, sit back, relax, and worry less, you will learn lots and lots here!

Plantar Fasciitis and Gout: Their connection with each other

Plantar fasciitis / what they call heel pain is actually a foot disorder, which is caused by the swelling of the plantar aponeurosis. Moreover, it is typically a mutual cause of the heel pain, yet can be due to rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Furthermore, the plantar fasciitis is actually one of the common roots of heel pain. Not just that, unluckily, it may stop you from playing all your favorite sports as well as walking your dog.

In the event that the pain turns out to be chronic, it may severely reduce the life’s quality. Usually, the plantar fasciitis is due to running excessively or the overuse of the feet from various sports events. Having high arches or flat feet can also cause you to be more prone to distressing from this particular illness. One factor that may also contribute to the inflammation of the plantar fascia is wearing uncomfortable footwear. In the actual fact, if you wear uncomfortable footwear, it may cause foot pain.

Plantar Fasciitis and Gout: The role of the plantar fascia

The plantar fascia actually has a lot of roles. This includes holding the parts of the foot together, protect the plantar exterior part of the foot from any trauma. As well as help in supporting the longitudinal arch of the foot. Typically, with either rheumatoid arthritis or gout, there’ll be edema enlargement that is neighboring the plantar fascia. This is a swelling that is due to the excess fluid being trapped in the tissues of the body. This can make every step of the foot a bit painful.

Those who suffer from gout may even feel the pain even with no pressure on each of the foot. You may think of the plantar fasciitis as an additional gout complication. A complication that may occur over a period of time if the gout isn’t that properly treated.

Plantar Fasciitis and Gout: Diagnosis

The plantar fasciitis or the so-called heel gout may actually take place in any heel. Or even in both of them concurrently, which may sometimes make the proper diagnosis of gout very challenging. Your doctor will see whether it is gout or not, just by seeing the uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid. One more important thing to note is that you may also get a fever or even chills with the plantar fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis and Gout: What to do?

The number one thing that you should ensure is to wear very comfortable shoes. The ones that will make you feel comfortable. Furthermore, you shouldn’t also be anxious to binge a bit on a high-quality pair of shoes. You know, high quality and highly pricey shoes may last for years and years. As long as you take care of them properly.

You should do your own study before and then find yourself the most suitable pair of shoes and wear it when you think that you are going to walk for a very long period. Alternatively, even if you do a sports activity you love.

One more thing is that you need to change your shoes frequently. You should not let your own feet get accustomed to any of the pain of shoes that you have. You should be wearing a changed pair of shoes more or less each day.

If you experience any foot problems, you must get a custom shoe pad. This will be beneficial with the plantar fasciitis. One important thing is to grind the muscles of the feet. There are about 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons in it that you need to stretch every now and then.

You can work them by revolving the foot in circular motions or you can move the toes up and down. As long as you feel that your muscles are stretching, you’re good to go! There is no need for you to have any special equipment. You may also massage the foot to make it more relaxed.

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