Symptoms Of Hyperuricemia You Should Watch Out For


Hyperuricemia can be very hard to predict. The occurrence of this condition is unclear and unpredictable. If you want to google the Hyperuricemia condition and its symptoms, there will many pages that will not mention its symptoms. Even when you check the Wikipedia, it does not cite any symptom of the Hyperuricemia disease. You can only be directed to gout. It is because gout is believed to be the sign of Hyperuricemia.

This article is to explain the causes of Hyperuricemia.

The Signs of Hyperuricemia

Gout and Hyperuricemia are related. Gout is a symptom of Hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemia is also a symptom of gout. It is like these two is a package deal.

It is because the cause of gout is the high level of uric acid. And these uric acids crystallized in the joints. It can also mean that that higher uric acid in the body, the more uric acid are crystallized in the joints. That is why you are more likely to have gout if you have Hyperuricemia.

The unknown symptom of Hyperuricemia

Although the signs of Hyperuricemia are unclear. You can also know it when it is too late. Before that happens, you can always go to your doctor and ask him to test the level of your uric acid. But, we understand that you don’t suspect the presence if the disease without gout, that is why the chance to test your uric acid is low. But it is very important to know the symptoms of the Hyperuricemia condition.

To understand the symptoms of Hyperuricemia condition, this article is here to guide you to. This article can also explain the symptoms of the Hyperuricemia.

Why the does the blood Thickens? Is it because of Hyperuricemia?

Hyperuricemia does not have the ability to make you hyper or make you feel hyper. On the other hand, Hyperuricemia can drain your energy make you look weak. But, this is just the beginning. You may ask, how does Hyperuricemia do this to the body?

Hyperuricemia can thicken the blood and cause a group of interconnected effects and symptoms on the body. This can be the first step of the Hyperuricemia symptoms.

We know that Hyperuricemia is caused by the high level of uric acid in the body. And it can also mean that the level of the acidity of the blood can increase. And acidity is also the presence of the Hydrogen ions. For the worst types of free radicals, this is the perfect condition to exist.

The free radical can react to other atoms and the ions can give its valence electron or unpaired electron another electron to pair with. In this way, the free radical can combine with other atoms to create a pair. Because of this, the chemical behavior can change because the number of electrons also changes.

When this happens, the functions of the cells also change. If there are too many Hydrogen atoms that will stay on the walls of your cells, it can cause to coagulate the blood. It is because Hydrogen atoms change the charge of the cell walls. The cell walls are normally negatively charged ad this is consistent in all of the cells. Because of the same charges, they repel each other to avoid coagulation. But, when there is too much hydrogen, it changes the charge of the cell wall and attracts other cells. Because of this, the density of the blood also changes. The blood thickens, darken and cause to coagulate.

When an individual suffers from this, it can cause Hyperuricemia symptoms. These symptoms may include high blood pressure, lack of oxygen that can lead to impairment of the intellectual skills, or palpitation.

High blood sugar is also a Hyperuricemia symptom. It is related to the alteration of the functionality of the cells of free radicals. It happens when the insulin receptors in the cell wall are damaged and this can cause diabetes type 2.

These symptoms do not appear together. It may vary depends on the patient. They can also appear interchangeably. Or there is also a possibility that the symptoms do not appear at all. It is best to undergo a general laboratory examination. It is because Hyperuricemia can also come along with other diseases such as diabetes, cancer or hypertension.


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