In this article, we will tackle the effects of salt for gout. Can it be beneficial for the condition or is it the other way around? Read on and you will get to know the answer. Sit back relax, and enjoy the read. Worry less, because I assure you that you will learn a lot from this article.
Salt for Gout: How much do you need?
Even though there is just a few research about the connection or the effect of salt for gout, it is vital to discuss this certain ingredient, which is in almost all the foods we eat. What the sodium actually does in the body is to bind the water and maintain the extracellular and intracellular fluids in the proper balance. Well, actually, the truth is that we, humans cannot live without this particular condiment. However, the fact is that most of the fruits and vegetables may have all of the sodium content we need in them at present.
What we really need is about 500 milligrams of sodium every day. Even though the American Heart Association suggests not more than 1500 milligrams per day. However, the average intake of the sodium in North America is approximately 3400 milligrams, most of which comes from processed foods. I know that some cannot really eat certain foods if they aren’t salted. You should add salt in moderate amount and you should ensure it isn’t a table salt.
The table salt has already been heated to about 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, it is also refined and removed from its healthy and natural elements. Well, 84 natural minerals to be precise. The table salt that is found in groceries is typically chemical sodium chloride. This is a man-made substance being produced from crude-oil flake remnants. If I were you, only use sea salt from now on. Let’s just say, you are simply poisoning your own self with the table salt. You can get most of the sodium intake from natural food sources. These include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Salt for Gout: Studies on the consumption of salt
One study suggests that the consumption of salt including the sea salt is directly connected to the uric acid levels. Furthermore, the urine albumin excretion and serum uric acid may tend to rise over a period of time. The albumin is the protein that is necessary to be reabsorbed in the blood and shouldn’t be passed out in the urine.
If the kidneys get diseased or damaged, the albumin may leak in the urine. This, in particular, is a sign of kidney damage. They also suggest that those who have a high intake of salt in comparison with the low intake of salt were at risk of hypertension. Most especially if they have high levels of serum uric acid and urine albumin excretion. This is mainly because the body is not able to dispose of the uric acid. And it binds its own self with the sodium chloride to be able to form new crystals, which are deposited directly into the joints and bones.
This is actually the cause of various kinds of rheumatism like gout, arthritis, and gallbladder and kidney stones. Furthermore, for those who have health issues like hypertension, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, and kidney conditions, which may have a connection with gout, a diet with low sodium content is very significant in not making the condition worse.
The processed salt may also cause weight gain through constipation and may cause you to retain water. Moreover, chemical compounds present in the table salt may also be additive. Actually, the taste of the table salt may fool the body into believing that it is really getting nutrition and minerals.
Salt for Gout: The Epsom Salt
A lot of those who suffer from gout use this natural remedy for treating inflammation and pain that comes with gout attack. This particular type of salt is actually distilled from a bitter saline spring. Furthermore, it is also not salty, rather, it is a natural mineral compound of sulfate and magnesium. Both of these minerals may be absorbed via the skin.
The Epsom salt actually has the capacity to relax the muscles, reduce various swellings, and relieve the pain. Not just that, it is also capable of fading bruises, remove toxins, softening the skin, and increase the uric acid secretion.
In general, salt for gout is a no-no, most especially if it is in the form of table salt. However, if you are wise enough, choose the salt that you can benefit from. Just like the sea salt and Epsom salt.