Potassium For Gout: Is It Really Beneficial?


Potassium is one of the most profuse minerals in the body. Moreover, it plays an important role in various processes on the body. In this article, we are going to tackle the effects of potassium for gout. Can this particular nutrient be beneficial for the condition, or is it the other way around? Read on and you will know the answer! Worry less, because you will learn a lot from this article!

Potassium for Gout: What is this mineral?

The potassium is a significant mineral and an electrolyte. In a variety of whole foods like the leafy vegetables, legumes, as well as fishes. 98 percent of potassium in the body is mainly found in the cells. 20% of which are found in the bone, liver, and red blood cells, and the other 80% are inside the muscle cells.

Moreover, potassium plays a significant role in various processes that the body has. It is complex when it comes to the contraction of body muscles, heart function, as well as in the management of water balance. Notwithstanding all of its significance, some people do not get enough of it.

A diet plan that is rich in potassium is every so often in association with the lower risk of high blood pressure. Moreover, it is also beneficial in the reduction of the risk of acquiring various serious conditions like osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Potassium for Gout: Dietary Sources of the Mineral

The most recommended way of accumulating potassium in the body is through the consumption of it. Here is some kind of foods that you may take in order to increase the potassium levels in the body. not just that, you will also get to see the corresponding potassium levels of each of the foods

Dietary Source

Amount of Potassium

Avocado 485 milligrams
Baked sweet potatoes 475 milligrams
Baked white potatoes 544 milligrams
Bananas 358 milligrams
Beet greens 909 milligrams
Edamame beans 436 milligrams
Salmon 414 milligrams
Soybeans 539 milligrams
Spinach 466 milligrams
Yams 670 milligrams

Potassium for Gout: Benefit for Gout

The potassium in the vegetables and fruits contains organic slats like malate and citrate. These salts actually neutralize the uric acid that is in the urine. This uric acid may cause kidney stones. Furthermore, the suggested daily intake of potassium is about 3500-4700 milligrams.

Moreover, potassium is also found in the potassium citrate, which is beneficial in treating gout through the facilitation of the uric acid excretion via urination. This thereby removes it from the body more effectively. Not just that, it also helps in the prevention of crystal formation and makes the kidney work better through the removal of excess uric acid by aiding the crystals to dissolve once they already have formed.

Furthermore, potassium plays a far way different roles with the carbohydrate metabolism as well as the bodily functions. In fact, it regulates the acid-base balance through the body and is actually required for the heart to undergo the normal electrical activity. Help build the muscles and grow the body normally while sustaining the normal levels of blood pressure. Additionally, it also helps in the body’s conversion of glucose into glycogen for energy. Moreover, it also helps in the digestion, as it aids in the elimination of waste products as well as balance the bodily fluids. Lastly, it helps in protecting the kidney system and the bones and the cardiovascular system.

Potassium for Gout: Other Benefits of the Mineral

Aside from the aforementioned possible benefits of potassium for gout, here are some other benefits of gout that may be beneficial for the health:

  • High blood pressure: a lot of studies suggest that diets rich in potassium may help in reducing the blood pressure. Therefore, it is beneficial for those who have high levels of it.
  • Stroke: studies show that potassium is beneficial in the reduction of the risk of stroke to up to 27%.
  • Osteoporosis: research shows that the mineral is beneficial in the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Kidney stones: studies shows that potassium from the diet is beneficial in reducing the risk of acquiring kidney stones.

Potassium for Gout: Conclusion

Before you take potassium supplements, you should talk to your doctor first. You may not choose this option as your diet is already oozing with so much potassium. Remember, too much potassium may lead to hyperkalemia –take it in moderation.

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