Get To Know More About The Singapore Chinese Health Study For Gout


In this article, we are going to talk about a particular study conducted on Chinese people with gout. If you want to know more about this Singapore Chinese health study for gout, give this article a read. Worry less, because you will learn a lot from this article –that’s for sure! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the read!

Singapore Chinese Health Study For Gout: What is this study all about?

There is this recent study regarding the connection between protein intake as well as its sources among 63,257 Chinese adults who are suffering from gout with ages ranging from 45 to 74. In the actual fact, the researchers interviewed and have provided questionnaires to the subjects. This is over a particular average of around 12 years. Seafood or shellfish, fish, and protein are the main sources of protein in China. Nevertheless, it also includes lamb, pork, and red meat.

What the study found after observing the data is that those who ate the most poultry in the highest percentage in comparison to the lowest and the subjects who ate the most seafood or shellfish in comparison to the lowest had a much higher chance of developing gout. Additionally, those subjects who ate soy for protein intake and legumes rather than meat in comparison to the subjects at the lowest had a much bigger reduction in the risk of developing gout.

Singapore Chinese Health Study For Gout: What Does It Say?

What the researchers found out was that the subjects who developed gout during the study consumed much more total protein like in shellfish, fish, pork, red meat, beef, and lamb. This is in comparison to those who weren’t detected with gout. Moreover, they also stated that the consumption of eggs, seeds, whole grains, and nuts weren’t associated with the increase in the risk for gout.

This particular Singapore Chinese health study for gout is actually the first potential study that shows how legumes and soy foods may actually help protect against gout.

Before ending this article, there is one thing that this study has uncovered during the time of the study. What is it? Well, they discovered that some of those who suffer from gout went to develop an additional form of arthritis. This is something that some people don’t know.

Singapore Chinese Health Study For Gout: Final Say

Even though the Chinese diet is way different from the Western diet, the protein intake in the end, doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t matter if you eat a rabbit meat in Singapore and eat a hamburger in the US. Moreover, if you eat an excessive amount of animal-based proteins, you will get an increase in the risk of gout. The uric acid will increase its own levels and the gout attacks will just get worse.

This particular study, as well as the others, are really beneficial in understanding more about the condition. Reading this kind of studies and articles are more beneficial for you than eating foods that may just worsen the condition that you have.


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