Causes Of Heart Failure Related To Uric Acid?


Most probably, you have read somewhere that gout, cardiovascular illnesses, and uric acid are for some reason, related to each other. Mutually, the statistical and non-empirical studies point to the causal relationship in between the two. Just like the study, which reappraises the causal relationship in between hyperuricemia and the cardiovascular illnesses.

With all of those facts being settled, we still find it so hard to imagine about the link in between these two. In this article, we aim to explain about the relationship of the uric acid level and chronic heart failure.

Chronic Heart Failure

The chronic heart failure, as the first word implies, is a lifetime condition. In general, heart failure is the incapability of the heart in supplying enough blood amount to various parts of the body. There is a variety of medical condition, which may cause heart failure.

Moreover, listed below are the causes of heart failure that may be in association with the uric acid. But before going in to that, let us first understand some few basic concepts. Continue reading on to learn more!


If you are a gout sufferer, it is with a guarantee that you suffer from hyperuricemia too. Therefore, it is a given thing that your own body has an unlimited (almost) supply of uric acid. Even though this may seem a bit col for you, it is not. The unlimited supply of uric acid in the body actually means a much higher concentration of the freely floating hydrogen ions or atoms. This is what they call, the perfect free radical.

Acidity Is Equal To Free Radicals

In the basic chemistry, the acidity is, or the pH level stands for the potential hydrogen, this just means that the uric acid has ample amount of Hydrogen. This has only one electron.

As we know, an atom is supposed to have an even number of the electron. If ever that it has an odd number on it, the atom may look for an unpaired electron. It does this thing by stealing the electrons from the other atoms. Or simply by combining with some other atoms in order to create a communal pair. If it happened that the free radicals stole an electron, the victim will then have an unpaired electron, which makes another free radical in the body.

Acidity and Thick Blood

The cell walls are supposedly negatively charged consistently. By this way, the blood cells will have the same charge thus repelling each other. With the interference of the free radicals, the cell walls will all be filled with positively charged Hydrogen ions. Therefore, some of them will become dominantly positive in charge, thus attracting some other cells in a coagulating manner. This is the main reason why the blood of those who suffer from hyperuricemia and gout are quite dense and dark.

Causes of Heart Failure related to Uric Acid

Note, the following causes are related to the uric acid, thick blood, and acidosis. Some other causes that are not related to them are not included here.

  1. Cancer, Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension: all of these may contribute to the failure of the heart health. in the actual fact, they are known risk factors. There are actually two things that are related to the uric acid, which may contribute to these degenerative illnesses:

                a. Thick blood and Free radicals: these illnesses are products of the cell destruction.
                b. Uric acid: the uric acid is a known risk for all of these illnesses.

            2. Previous heart attack or Myocardial Infarction: if a certain patient already suffered from a heart attack before, they may have an increased chance of suffering from chronic heart failure. Moreover, the myocardial infarction may be due to either of the following:

                  a. Atherosclerosis: this is caused by the deposition of plaque on the outer arterial walls. When the cells are injured in the arterial walls, macrophages come and ingest lipids. Over the time, they may accumulate along the other deposits. The weirdest part is that the macrophages aren’t supposed to enter in the outer wall of the arteries. How do these enter the area? Well, it could be either of these following causes:

                                           i.    Endothelial dysfunction: what causes this is the free radicals in the body, as well as the thick blood. This is since the free radicals damage the endothelial cells.
                                           ii. Lack of red blood cells: the low red blood cells count may cause tissue death, thus causing heart failure.

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