Can Cialis Really Increase The Level Of Uric Acid In The Body?


Gout is really a bad disease for anyone. Pain is one thing but there are also other effects that come with gout. And for men, erectile is one those bad effects.

According to studies and statistics, it is proven that gout comes with erectile dysfunction, especially for men. On the other hand, the relation of the two diseases is still unclear. But, there are also many theories from the experts.

One of those theories is that Cialis, a medication taken by patients with erectile dysfunction can increase the uric acid.

The purpose of this article is to explain the theory. You can read about the relation of Cialis and Gout symptoms in this article.

We need to understand how the Cialis works on the body to find out if it really raises the levels of uric acid. In addition, we also need to know what causes the erectile dysfunction in men.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erection requires interaction between the blood vessels, the muscles, and the hormones. Because of those, as the blood flows to the penile arteries and the corpus cavernosum the penis will erect.

When the flow of blood on the penile arteries decreases, it is when erectile dysfunction occurs.

The Explanation of Cialis

Cilais inhibits an enzyme that is involved in the erection of the penis. Once the enzyme is restrained, there will be an increase in the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate. And the cyclic guanosine monophosphate will increase the flow of blood in the penile arteries and the corpus cavernosum. After that it when the erection male happens.

You may not know that there is a relation between Cialis and the Uric acid at first. Even scientists are confused on the connection of the two. But there are statistics that can support the studies. And there is a huge possibility that Cialis increases the levels of uric acid in the body. You may ask, does it mean that it also causes the gout symptoms?

In all actuality, Cialis does not cause the gout symptoms. But, one of the side effects is that it can cause arthritic pains. The reason behind its side effects are still unclear, but, there is a possibility that because it restrains an enzyme. The PDE 11 is an enzyme that is present in the testicles, in the pituitary gland, in livers and kidneys.

We can, therefore, conclude that Cialis, an erectile dysfunction medication does not cause the gout symptoms. But, it is actually the other way around.

What are the Gout medications that can cause Erectile Dysfunction in men?

Colchicine is a gout medicine that can cause both erectile dysfunction and impotency. Colchicine is commonly taken to prevent the pain and inflammation that are caused by the symptoms of Gout. Though Colchicine cannot discharge the uric acid out of the body, it can temporarily relieve the inflammation and pain of the patient.

But, the pain and the inflammation that the medication relieves has its side effects. It affects the system of the body to relieve the pain. Colchicine can relieve the inflammation and pain but it also damages the neutrophils. And Neutrophils is a white blood cell. When it impairs the cytoskeleton of the cells, the patient will not feel pain anymore. But, it also weakens the immune system of the body. In addition, when Colchicine restrains the cell cycle, it also disables the microtubules of the cells that it can encounter.

When the microtubules are impaired, the cells will not be able to reproduce during the cell cycle. Take note that the sperm cells and also the egg cells are not excluded in the process. When the man has a low number of sperm counts, Colchicine can really be a threat and cause an erectile dysfunction.


Cialis cannot cause gout symptoms. Gout medications cause erectile dysfunction. And erectile dysfunction medications do not cause gout. In the present, there is still no proven studies between the relationships of the two diseases. Although gout does not cause erectile dysfunction or vice versa, there are the acids in the body. Especially, hyperuricemia can cause both the erectile dysfunction and gout symptoms. Therefore, it is important to reverse the symptoms of hyperuricemia to treat both the erectile dysfunction and the gout symptoms.


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