Do you experience gout? What medications are you using or taking? Colchicine? Allopurinol? Febuxostat? Or are these medications unfamiliar to you?
Actually the aforementioned medications are generic, to those who take gout medicines, the name doesn’t really matter. These medications are subdivided further into different brand names with practically no difference. Well, except maybe for the volumes of the chemical fillers in them.
One such brand is the Allosig. Allosig is actually a brand of allopurinol. This article hopes to explain the side effects of the Allosig. Read on and get to know about it.
Allopurinol is a medication that is used in treating gout, or at least, that’s what other people are claiming. Actually, it doesn’t treat gout or even hyperuricemia at all. The body is the one who does the job.
So what does this Allosig do? As a matter of fact, it really is beneficial [for the condition. It is a great help, it’s just that the effects of it are just for a short period of time. Allosig is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor type of medication. It helps stop the xanthine oxidase from breaking down the purine, which produces the uric acid when broken down. The Allosig does this through the binding of itself and xanthine oxidase.
If the production of purine is stopped, the body will flush out the uric acid and the uric acid crystals in the body. The disadvantage in here is the fact that the body also requires purine in a lot of processes, just like the production of ATP which is vital in the intracellular signaling, production of DNA and RNA, and many others. If Allosig fixes with the purine, it may not be reused into a usable form either. This means that the purine just accrues in the body. For short, the Allosig delays the uric acid production and doesn’t cancel it at all. The worse thing is that it doesn’t flush out the uric acid.
Side Effects of Allosig
The hypersensitivity of a person to drugs can alone be lethal. Even more with the side effects of tit comes in. Yes, you have read that thing right! The side effects of the Allosig are so lethal.
Due to the hypersensitivity and the fact that the uric acid distresses the balance of the body by stopping the reprocessing of the purine, it may generate both the minor and terrific effects to the body, just like the following:
Steven–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis- this is a severe skin disease, which may literally peel your skin off alive. The epidermis detaches from the subcutaneous thus producing blisters at first, and will eventually expose the dermis. You can imagine how painful this is! Not just that, the tongue and the lips may also get peeled as the mucus membranes get affected too. What’s worse is when the necrosis kicks in, the tissues will be consumed by the cells, itself. This will therefore cause some severe damages to the organs, and will eventually kill you.
- Rashes- this is a known side effect of the allopurinol. It may range from mild itching to austere rashes, varying on the reaction of the patient.
- Low blood counts- most probably because of the distraction of the purine, the renaissance rate of the cells are being disturbed too. This may be lethal. It may actually lead to anemia, neutropenia and some other scarcities, which are associated with all kinds of cells. Cells, as the building blocks of life, are convoluted in all of the core functionalities of the body. impotency and hair loss are none but just a few of the possible outcomes.
- Eosinophilia- this is described by the low eosinophil counts. An eosinophil is a white blood cell that participates in the nonstop war against various foreign entities trying to invade your body. They also participate in regulating and causing allergic reactions. This is probably the reason why allopurinol causes rashes. This may also cause infections and fevers because the forces of the white blood cells get dazed by aggressors.
- Aplastic anemia- this is a damage to the bone marrow. For the reason that the bone marrows are accountable for the blood cell production, damaging it may have austere consequences to the blood, just like the low blood counts as mentioned before.
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